Five Thousand Pieces (MERCY)

I will be gone
Not for long
Because your face
Every day I want to see.
And my journey
Is without honey
Because I go where
You cannot come.

So I stayed waiting for you
With memories fading,
And my tears washing away
In the cold and ranging storm,
I bowed out to adore the hope left
To encourage my strength and destroy the pain... ...Just a step forward
There you were at my doorstep
With another you've promised a life forever, To stay in your tomorrow.
So to stay is not With you...

But you stood there and cried
As tears rolled down my face
For you said you wanted me but, you Ended up with another.

And to you, you've wasted my time. Shattered my hope,
Left me in the cold with a heart of gold and this heart you've broken in Five thousand pieces and
All you could scream was MERCY!!! I sat there looking at you as I wondered How my heart which was whole (one Piece) is now five thousand pieces could Heal in a moment.

At this time... I could only hear one voice, very loud screaming... MERCY!!! From each piece on the floor, I heard them cry for justice but, justice met mercy And Mercy prevailed. And my story... This base.


A prompt I wrote for @herheartpoetry, just thought to share it here.
Have a lovely weekend, till next time.

© Brillsxpression.   Love Well
(Brilliantine Wilcox?


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