Love Unexpressed

Hey guys! Been awhile, guess you've been on top of your game.

I'm just gonna drop this right here, a little something that's been on my mind...

What is love if it cannot be expressed,
touched or felt?

What is love if all it brings is sadness and lost memories, broken hearts and homes?

Love is supposed to light up our worlds and build bridges of doubts and worries. 
Concerns that weigh the soul and destroys the mind, but they'd all be unsaid and left alone because ONE person decides to carry the burden in his/her mind, unwilling to disclose his deep thoughts or rather sad of rejection...

...OR, one person decides the other ain't worth forever with them and so, they toss and throw em away because they've got liberty to do so.

Love can be seen and touched.
It is true that someone can and will feel loved without words, but it's also true that words gives love the strength it requires to live; Increased expressions just because there was an affirmation.

Love unexpressed could go wrong and may be lost if not recognized and spoken for, to, or about with passion.

Till next time... Love Well...

#Happynewweek #happysunday

© Brillsxpression
(Brilliantine Wilcox)


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