That Lie...
What do you have to say? What will be your excuse? What will you use so you can deny your existence of failure?
Rejection? Repetition?? No capital??? Etc
Whatever your reasons are (at least what you choose to call it), it ain't worth it. It ain't worth it at all.
Throwing all you could ever be away and for what? Mere challenges....???
I get it, at some point in our lives we feel things and tend to wanna leave the path we're on for another destination we know nothing about.
At such times, you try and remember who you are and where you're coming from and the things you haveto do to and shut that voice!
Shut that voice that says otherwise... Shut that voice that says you cannot make it cause you don't know how to-do it...
Reach for your goals and make them a reality.
Don't GIVE UP.
Dont ever think for one second that you cannot do something right the first time, don't settle for that lie.
Remember how you felt when you saw the vision and decided to follow it. The joy and happiness that flushed your face by mere flashes of your intent... Remember that and let that same glow shine on you and cause you to take those dangerous steps.
Remember.... Pain before gain. God bless you.
© Brillsxpression. Love Well
(Brilliantine Wilcox)