Keep Trying
I almost didn't remember how to do this anymore, I guess somehow I got frustrated due to the fact that I couldn't login into my blog.
Got a project on going and all of a sudden it got burned for same reason.
I stayed up most nights thinking about it. Should I continue? What's the use if I can't keep up??
I recalled a friend telling me to keep trying, 'who knows one of these days I might get it right'. I took his advice and since I couldn't sleep tonight as usual, I decided to try again and boom! I'm back on just like that.
Allot has happened over a month. Some things I would like to share but first, I want to keep it real, as real as possible. No lies and no cheating. This has always been the way for me.
I was running the 'Valentine's Special' until what happened happened. I really hope I'd continue cause times' far spent and I need to move (move on to other activities).
But never mind, at some point, will throw in other people's write-ups so it doesn't look like they were totally left out.
I am super excited I'm back on the blog. Thank you Gabriel where ever you are for your kind words of "keep trying". I tried until I got it.
I guess that's our key word (keep trying) for today's post..
No matter how many times you've tried and it failed, keep at it, you never know if you stop. God bless you! Have a blissful day.
© Brillsxpression. Love Well