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An unequivocal excitement met Daniel and Alex as they were wrapped intensely in themselves in a way that they didn't want to let go. Daniel had never felt the way he was feeling, and Alex had just increased whatever feelings he had for him to the zenith of affection.
They kept at each other as they maintained their position and would not let anything pry into their business. Daniel was nolonger seen in this world as the atmosphere and what Alexander was doing to him was too much for him to handle. He screamed all through for an intense measure of glee. To the extent that Alex would close his mouth with her hands in laugher for him to keep still, but other times he won't contain it. He almost bit her hand the last time she did...
However, the night was cold and lonely for Ariana and Audrey, but not for Daniel and Alex. They had retired into their rooms and said their "goodnight" but they knew they weren't sleeping any time soon.
Daniel and Alex just had a bath and looked ready to sleep. They climbed into the bed and cuddle up...