Hundred And Ten Years (Episode 4)

There was silence, both cried deeply and helplessly as they could not look themselves in the face or eyes...

Francis was rapt by the intense feeling surrounding them, lost in himself and thoughts and wondered what he'd ever done that's beyond forgiveness...
I thought love is kindness, forgiveness and selflessness. I thought we had 'forever - love'.

I knew in my heart that we will never part ways, it was certain,  it was crystal clear, we had it all together, we made it together.
We made the frames, we built the walls and shielded it against intruders... It was you and me both against the world, it is still even now, I've never stopped seeing us that way.

Oh! what happened to us!!  As he wept sour. He continued still in his mind... What happened to this love that gave us everything?
All this signs seem to say we've lost it but I don't want to give you up, I want to be your man still Felicity...

Hmmmm I wish the heart's got a voice to speak for Francis so Felicity can hear and respond to him but no, it can't, the only way would be the eyes but they cannot even look at each other to begin with...

It was the lack of sound that filled the place they were, as both of them stayed glued on the floor lost in themselves...

To be continued tomorrow...

© Brillsxpression      Love well.....
(Brilliantine Wilcox)


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