Start Again

Hello everyone,

How do you say NO! to someone or something you don't want? Especially when it's tempting and 'very' attractive??

Allot of times we make mistakes by accepting the things we don't want because we were pressured to and probably forced into accepting responsibilities for what we didn't sign up for.

As long as you keep your mouth shut, you'll keep bringing to you all the things in life you don't want. As long you don't speak up, you'll become the house where everyone dumps their dirt.

I use to ask people... How much does it take for one to say No? What's the cost for speaking up and letting everybody know your intentions?? Because I don't think it's so much of a big deal to create a world of your own, not letting anyone tire it down with their words, hands or attitude towards you or even forcing you to do stuffs that you don't wanna do...

NO is a good answer sometimes, you should learn to say it when it is needed irrespective of the situation, as long as it doesn't suit you, you do the have to say yes, you have all rights to say no and mean it.

I've learned so much these passed months and I'm still learning. Some of the things I learnt was by force. Nature force that out of me. Though the process didn't come like I expected it to but either ways it did come and the lesson was passed across and I on the other hand, received the message.

...It was loud, it was clear, very clear .
But the question is... How do you begin to trace your footsteps back once you realize that you've been living alie? You just do it anyway because really, there's no way to start other than just starting...

Some time last year, I was betrayed by a trusted friend and that caused me so much.
I believed in a lie and it landed me where it did.
So, I made a decision to be on my own for as long as it takes and I intend to do so.

I just felt like saying these few things and to encourage someone probably that it's not the end, you can start ALL OVER yes! You can if you decide to...
And make sure you are responsible for only the things you accepted not forced to.

Till next time.....

© Brillsxpression.       Love Well
(Brilliantine Wilcox)


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