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The evening was getting further into dark, as Audrey waited for Alexandra patiently in the room provided for him, but Alexandra didn't come. He heard foot steps in the livingroom and came out, but it was only Ariana who had made them dinner.

As they sat to eat, Ariana was lost in thoughts of Brian because he hasn't called her since he left her in the morning, not even a text. Still she hoped all was well. 
Audrey was also wondering if Alexandra would show up any minute now, but that wasn't about to happen because Alexandra was being entertained by Daniel at her crib. So, Ariana and Audrey would have to cancel their hope of having their spouses for the night, and enjoy each other's company.  They barely said a word to each other as they ate unknowing to them.

It was becoming darker in Alexandra's apartment, she lit some candles and continued with their conversation.  They had talked into the night that he didn't know that it was pretty late, and Alex kept him going, she seemed to be enjoying his company and humour.

By the time he stood up to use the restroom, he realized how time betrayed has him, and he couldn't believe he had spent that much time there.  After using the restroom,  he told her he must take his leave, but she insisted he stayed back because it was already past 10pm and the next day was church. 

Well, he tried to get a cab but no one was online, how would they even be online considering the weather and it was just that same day people started coming out gradually. He thought of what to do, he then called Mr Anderson and told him what has happened, Mr Anderson encouraged him to pass the night and told him not to worry about church in the morning that they will be attending Ariana's church and he'll fetch him some clean clothes before then. 

Daniel was so happy and grateful for the gift of a father disguising to be a boss. He then told Alex what Mr Anderson told him, and she smiled and said "he is a good man, I knew it from the first day we entered his car". Daniel,  couldn't agree more.


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