Passed out with a bottle of whiskey in the livingroom oblivious of Ariana's presence, maybe he was asleep or perhaps lost in thoughts of Alex that he didn't notice when she passed by. Ariana stylishly went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast, and of course, she had to prepare for two.
She took out some eggs from the fridge, sliced some onions and peppers, added a bit of chopped garlic and whisked everything together to fry, then she added a little seasoning for taste. On the other hand, she boiled water with the help of an electric kettle, brought out two tea cups and turned to go ask Audrey what kind of tea he'd prefer, only to see the young man standing behind her, just by the door. "You startled me, Audrey, thought you were sleeping" Ariana asked him. " I'm sorry Ari, I didn't mean to, I was hearing sounds from the kitchen so I thought to come check it out. I see you're fixing breakfast, please can I have some too?" Ariana replied, "of course, the second cup is for you". Audrey responded, "oh really? Thought it's for Brian". "oh no! Brian left already", she said. “that's even better”, he thought in his mind.
Audrey realized he was alone with Ariana and he was happy because he didn't really want to be around much people at the time. Ariana asked him “do you want coffee or hot chocolate?”, Audrey has always been a coffee guy, so he said "coffee, please ".
She made for him and herself and they both took theirs to the dining table and ate.
Ariana asked Audrey of Alex because the last time she was at the livingroom, she saw Alex with Audrey, but Audrey told her she'd left. He said it with so much pain on his face that Ariana could not but notice. And so she asked him to tell her everything that had happened all the while Brian and herself were upstairs.
Audrey wasn't about to even shy away from telling her the whole truth or even wait for her to ask him twice. He needed comfort and someone to talk to, and he found the perfect one in Alex's friend, Ariana.