Try Again (myloveseries8)
Be love personified.
If your "unreserved love" has never been questioned or tested, its still at the baby - stage house.
And if it has been but failed, it means you haven't gotten there yet, you're just a baby -lover testing waters.
1. when you don't feel like loving but it exudes from you.
2. When you're faced with real life challenges but you still want to help (your spouse).
3. When everything around disapproves but you hold on to the force (love) in you cause it prevails.
4. When you're at the point where you shut everyone out but listen to one voice (your lover) to bring you back.
5. When it looks like there's no way out but you hold your hands together and make the journey.
You have to know and be sure you can rely on yourself before you add a life to you.
Some people don't know this and as it sounds, some don't trust themselves. I've heard people talk like that about not trusting themselves.
How can someone whose blind take the role of leadership? Its either she believes you and you lead her astray or she doesn't make the journey with you. But its in rear cases for her not to make the journey because her believing in you is a surety of her commitment and for the discourse made.
I believe no one should make anyone change their minds about something, act because you own the stage and you wrote the scripts. Don't let situations cloud your judgments and actions, it only leads to failure.
Every love has its trying time. When its approved, you have a ticket to fly to a country you've never been before, but when it fails, it remains at the spot where it first began and though you choose another way to get the ticket, you might get the same result but 'something' will definitely be missing and to find that missing part will require you to trace back and try again.
The missing part is the major part.
Love well...
God bless your day. Thanks for reading.