Love Speaks Eternity (myloveseries2)
Lets talk about love...
Do you know one thing discovered, it does not take permission from us, and does not let us know what it wants to do... Who knows?? L .O .V. E.
Love is a deep, intense - feeling, profound attraction towards someone. It's beyond the surface and it exceeds every bound,
It is a complete end. An endorsement with pride. A signature that soothes when written consistently with passion and pride.
Love is to a life what a scent is to a rose.
It is the most powerful emotion and gift given to us by God.
Love is eternal.
Love is I know you. I know the you in you, and I have full knowledge of where you're coming from, where you have been, and what you are now. It may not look it but I love you is my constant words to you, with meanings that speaks eternity.
Love is I respect you!
Love is... I know all the sides but I want to stay!
It is a deep penetration beyond the face to the soul and mind of your lover. Hmmmm! Love is a BIG word to talk about yet small. It is above every other thing we think and extraordinary.
It cultivates and captures you like the rain in summer. Love is I care about you and I'm concerned about your growth, your life -your everything...
No one is too big to be loved, or small to give it. The part I like the most is, it just happens without you knowing or making plans for it. And when it does, it makes room for itself and nurture its surroundings. It is the most precious feeling ever - unchanging in the world.