January 9th
We're almost two weeks into the year and I'm wondering....
I thought today is supposed to be the 2nd or 3rd or something but not the 9th of January.
Do you notice the change?
In no time, this fresh year will be gone.
Soon, we'll discover that the "happy new year" we celebrated with family, friends and loved once is gone and we'll be complimenting the season again.
The January we all know crawls and dulls is interestingly fading away fast.
...and you're procrastinating what you should have done today for tomorrow. Procrastination is the demon responsible for movement - moving forward. Instead of pushing it forward, why not make effort to do it today?
If you keep moving things and saying you'll do them the next, and end up not doing them, are you making progress?
Are you keeping to the results you're attempting to achieve?
One step a day is what you need to achieving your goal and the year is not waiting for you. So if you ask me, I'll say you don't have time. The earlier the better.
So, make everyday count. Do today what you've set out to do, don't wave it away or push it forward otherwise, you'll keep moving it and found out by June 2017 that you still haven't accomplish what you said you'd do in January...
I hope it works out for you...✌✌✌
#Brillsxpression Love well