The continuation...
After breaking up, some people decide to try out new things, in doing that, they pick up attitudes and styles that are not consistent with their personality. Some belittle themselves unconsciously.
During this process of healing, you have to constantly remind yourself who you are... Sometimes, when I'm faced with some real deep issues, I ask myself, Brill, who are you? what are you doing?? It helps me bring back my sanity and my state of being. So, you can try that too. Stop for a moment and ask yourself that, be sure to answer and try to keep it simple.
Another reason why people lose themselves again is by telling themselves lies about who they are, because you think he broke up with you, because you are not up to he's standard( according to him) and that seem to be the reason why you want to dress in someone else's cloths. It won't help you. Take it from me, whatever reason why they ended the relationship is not a guarantee for misbehaving. It should be an opportunity for growth. You should be happy that you now have the chance to prove yourself. Add more value to you and stay focused.
Because of the pain of rejection and the suffering caused, some people decide to shut down on love. Truth is, as long as you no longer believe in it, it wont work for you. Your believing has got to work in order to produce results. And just when you're there, not accepting love is when love comes staring at you, and because of the past, you let it slip away.
let it go.. All the pain and hurt you feel. You must remember that, as much as love is sweet and dynamic, its also bitter and can destroy your entire world. Always give love a chance, no matter how difficult and how bad it looks, the moment it goes inside the heart, it brings a lasting joy and happiness.
During this period, you must give yourself enough time to heal. falling into the arms of someone else while you're still hurt is not a smart move, its dangerous and can kill. It won't end well. Take your time and love when you're ready, and open your entire world to love.
I could write forever on this topic but for now, I'm going to stop here, but will certainly do in the future cause theirs so much to say. My name is Brilliantine Wilcox and I hope this piece really helped. Thank you for your time..
After breaking up, some people decide to try out new things, in doing that, they pick up attitudes and styles that are not consistent with their personality. Some belittle themselves unconsciously.
During this process of healing, you have to constantly remind yourself who you are... Sometimes, when I'm faced with some real deep issues, I ask myself, Brill, who are you? what are you doing?? It helps me bring back my sanity and my state of being. So, you can try that too. Stop for a moment and ask yourself that, be sure to answer and try to keep it simple.
Another reason why people lose themselves again is by telling themselves lies about who they are, because you think he broke up with you, because you are not up to he's standard( according to him) and that seem to be the reason why you want to dress in someone else's cloths. It won't help you. Take it from me, whatever reason why they ended the relationship is not a guarantee for misbehaving. It should be an opportunity for growth. You should be happy that you now have the chance to prove yourself. Add more value to you and stay focused.
Because of the pain of rejection and the suffering caused, some people decide to shut down on love. Truth is, as long as you no longer believe in it, it wont work for you. Your believing has got to work in order to produce results. And just when you're there, not accepting love is when love comes staring at you, and because of the past, you let it slip away.
let it go.. All the pain and hurt you feel. You must remember that, as much as love is sweet and dynamic, its also bitter and can destroy your entire world. Always give love a chance, no matter how difficult and how bad it looks, the moment it goes inside the heart, it brings a lasting joy and happiness.
During this period, you must give yourself enough time to heal. falling into the arms of someone else while you're still hurt is not a smart move, its dangerous and can kill. It won't end well. Take your time and love when you're ready, and open your entire world to love.
I could write forever on this topic but for now, I'm going to stop here, but will certainly do in the future cause theirs so much to say. My name is Brilliantine Wilcox and I hope this piece really helped. Thank you for your time..