Democracy Has Fallen
My heart bleeds as I write, my hands are unsteady for the cruelty poured on us lavishly. All we wanted was peace, safety. A demand not far fetched from what is usual.
Which father kills his own, or forgets to feed his hungry? Which father abandons his children and exposes them to danger? Which president folds his hands and watch as his citizens are slaughtered for the demands they place rightfully?
I thought the government was made for the people, made by the people, and answerable to the people?
Democracy is at risk, democracy has fallen. The government does not respect the people nor take them seriously. They've taken away our rights duly, and has forced us in, boxed us up as if we're robots they can mount and unnmount in seconds. They've broken our defences and paint our streets with our bloods, the blood of the ones they said would become leaders tomorrow.
Democracy is supposed to be a living system, but how do we live when our lives are been taken from us every day?
This government has failed us.
It was a peaceful protest but they opened fire on us, who ordered them? My heart is heavy for everyone who has suffered this bad governance,so I raise my candle high up in honour and in tears to our heroes past and present, the ones who were knocked down and killed for their rights, our rights. I raise my candle high up in hope of tomorrow, maybe there'll be one more life left to stand and cry for the last time for change, I raise my candle high up in the sky for help to come, any way, any where, any how. I raise my candle high up to end this government on bended knees in faith of the god I am and to the God I serve.